Statics 3.5 – Equilibrium of Truss Members Connected to a Gusset Plate | Hibbeler 14th Edition

The members of a truss are connected to the gusset plate. If the forces are concurrent at point O, determine the magnitudes of F and T for equilibrium. Take θ=90°.

Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by RC Hibbeler Problem 3-5 Equilibrium of Truss Members Connected in a Gusset Plate


We need to find the angle that force T makes with the positive x-axis first. We call this the angle beta, β. This is depicted in the free-body diagram.

Free-body diagram:

Solving for the values of angles α and β.

\tan \alpha & = \dfrac{3}{4} \\
\alpha & = \tan ^{-1} \frac{3}{4} \\
\alpha & = 36.8699 \degree \\

Knowing that the sum of angles α and β is 90°, we can solve for the β.

\alpha + \beta & = 90\degree \\
\beta & = 90 \degree - \alpha \\
\beta & = 90 \degree - 36.8699 \degree \\
\beta & = 53.1301 \degree

Equations of Equilibrium:

Summation of forces in the x-direction:

\xrightarrow{+} \sum F_x & = 0 \\
T \cos \beta - \frac{4}{5} F & = 0 \\
T \cos 53.1301 \degree - \frac{4}{5} F & = 0 & & \qquad \qquad (1)\\

Summation of forces in the y-direction:

+\uparrow \sum F_y & =0 \\
9 - \frac{3}{5} F- T \sin \beta & = 0 \\
T \sin 53.1301 \degree + \frac{3}{5}F & = 9 & & \qquad \qquad(2)\\

Now, we have two equations with two unknowns. We shall solve the unknowns by solving these equations simultaneously. We can use our calculator, or we can solve this manually using the method of substitution.

Using equation (1), solve for T in terms of F.

T \cos 53.1301\degree-\frac{4}{5} F & = 0 \\
T \cos 53.1301\degree & = \frac{4}{5} F \\
T & = \dfrac{\frac{4}{5}F}{\cos 53.1301\degree}  \qquad \qquad  (3)\\

Now, substitute this equation (3) to equation (2) to solve for F:

T \sin 53.1301 \degree + \frac{3}{5}F & = 9 \\
\left(\dfrac{\frac{4}{5}F}{\cos 53.1301\degree} \right) \sin 53.1301 \degree + \frac{3}{5}F & = 9 \\
\frac{4}{5}F \left( \dfrac{\sin 53.1301\degree}{\cos 53.1301\degree}\right)+  \frac{3}{5}F & = 9 \\
\frac{4}{5}F \tan 53.1301\degree+\frac{3}{5}F &=9 \\
F\left( \frac{4}{5} \cdot \tan 53.1301\degree +\frac{3}{5}\right) & = 9\\
F & = \dfrac{9}{\frac{4}{5} \cdot \tan 53.1301\degree +\frac{3}{5}} \\
F & = 5.4 \ \text{kN} \\

Substitute the value of F to equation (3) to solve for T:

T & = \dfrac{\frac{4}{5}F}{\cos 53.1301\degree} \\
T & = \dfrac{\frac{4}{5} \cdot \left( 5.4 \ \text{kN}\right)}{\cos 53.1301\degree} \\
T & = 7.2 \ \text{kN}

Therefore, F = 5.4 \ \text{kN} and T= 7.2 \ \text{kN} .