Problem 6-3: Calculating the number of revolutions given the tires radius and distance traveled

An automobile with 0.260 m radius tires travels 80,000 km before wearing them out. How many revolutions do the tires make, neglecting any backing up and any change in radius due to wear?


The rotation angle \Delta \theta is defined as the ratio of the arc length to the radius of curvature:

\Delta \theta = \frac{\Delta s}{r}

where arc length \Delta s is distance traveled along a circular path and r is the radius of curvature of the circular path.

From the given problem, we are given the following quantities: r=0.260 \ \text{m}, and \Delta s = 80000 \ \text{km}.

\Delta \theta & = \frac{\Delta s}{r} \\
\Delta \theta & = \frac{80000 \ \text{km} \times \frac{1000 \ \text{m}}{1 \ \text{km}}}{0.260 \ \text{m}} \\
\Delta \theta & = 307.6923077 \times 10^{6} \ \text{radians} \times\frac{1 \ \text{rev}}{2\pi \  \text{radians}} \\
\Delta \theta & = 48970751.72 \ \text{revolutions}  \\
\Delta \theta & = 4.90 \times 10^{7} \ \text{revolutions} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)
