Author Archives: fbona14

Elementary Differential Equations by Dela Fuente, Feliciano and Uy Physical Application 2: Exponential Growth and Decay

A certain radioactive material follows the law of exponential change and has a half life of 38 hours. Find how long it takes for 90% of the radioactivity to be dissipated.


Use the formula:


First, find the constant of proportionality. In the problem, after 38 hours, half of the radioactivity has been dissipated and a half has been retained. So we can assume that S = 0.5So when t = 38 hrs and C = So.


And then solve for k:


And then substitute k to the formula:


Now we can solve for the time(t). According to the problem, 90% of the radioactivity is dissipated, so 10% is retained. So we can assume that S = 0.1So and change C = So.


And then solve for time(t):

