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Elementary Differential Equations by Dela Fuente, Feliciano, and Uy Chapter 9 Problem 2 — Special Second-Ordered Differential Equations




Since the equation is in the form d/dx (dy/dx + y P(x) = Q(x) , we use Case 1

let\:u & = x\frac{dy}{dx}+\left(1+x\right)\:y
\\ \int \:\frac{du}{dx}\:&=\int \:12
\\u &=12x+C_1

Solving for the value of C1 using the initial values.

x\frac{dy}{dx}+\left(1+x\right)y\: & =12x\:+C_1\:;\:\frac{dy}{dx}=0,\:y=0,\:x=1
\\1(0) + (1+1)0 & = 12(1) + C_1  
\\0+0 & =12+C_1
\\-12 & =C_1

Rewriting the equation into the general form of a first-order linear differential equation (FOLDE).


Since the equation is now in the form of dy/dx + y P(x) = Q(x), we use FOLDE


From the general form of a first-order differential equation, we have

\\P \left( x \right)= \left(\frac{1}{x}+1\right) 
\\Q\left( x \right)= 12-\frac{12}{x}

Compute for the integrating factor

\phi &= e^ {\int P\left(x \right) dx}
\\\phi & =e^{\int \:\left(\frac{1}{x}+1\right)dx}
\\\phi & \:=e^{\ln x+x}
\\\phi & \:=x\left(e^x\right)

Substituting everything to the solution of a first-order linear differential equation, we have

y(xe^x)=\int xe^x\left(12-\frac{12}{x}\right)dx+C_2
\\y\left(xe^x\right)=\int \left(12xe^x-12e^x\right)dx+C_2
\\yxe^x=\int 12xe^x-\int \:12e^x\:dx+C_2​

Use Integration by Parts to solve for the first integral

\int \:12xe^xdx & = 12 \int xe^x dx\\ 
 u = x &  &du=dx  \\
dv = & e^x \  & v=e^x  \\
\text{Therefore} \\ 
uv-\int \:vdu & =xe^x-\int \:e^xdx \\
& =xe^x-e^x \\
\text{Consequently} \\
\int \:12xe^xdx & = 12 \left( xe^x-e^x\right)


yxe^x & =12\left(xe^x-e^x\right)-12e^x+C_2
\\yxe^x &=12xe^x-12e^x-12e^x+C_2
\\yxe^x &=12xe^x-24e^x+C_2

Solving for C2

yx & =12x-24+\frac{C_2}{e^x}\:\:;\:y=0,\:x=1
\\0\left(1\right) & =12\left(1\right)-24+\frac{C_2}{e^1}\:
\\0 & =12-24e+\frac{C_2}{e^1}\:
\\0 &=-12+\frac{C_2}{e^1}\:
\\12e^1 & =C_2\:

Therefore, the solution to the problem is
